Form's initial mode
When you click on a tree view row a form view is opened and this form is opened in read mode.
When you click the Create
button from a tree view, a new record form view is opened
in edit mode (how otherwise? :-)
But sometimes it's more usable to immediately open an existing record in edit mode.
This can be done using form
option initial_mode
In different Odoo versions this can be done in different ways:
In this version it can work in form declaration (by chance as developers say) like in the following example:
<form options="{'initial_mode': 'edit'}">
If transition from tree to form is done within python code:
return { 'name':, 'help':, 'type': action.type, 'views': [(form_id, 'form')], 'view_mode': 'action.view_mode', 'target':, 'context': action.context, 'res_model': action.res_model, 'flags': {'initial_mode': 'edit'}, 'res_id': }
11.0, 12.0, ...
Next Odoo versions "fix" the above and now you should use context
context = dict(self.env.context) context['form_view_initial_mode'] = 'edit' return { 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'view_type': 'form', 'view_mode': 'form', 'res_model': 'your.model', 'res_id': your_object_id, 'context': context, }
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